Celebrating Summer with Crab Tacos!

I try to avoid using the oven much during the summer.  But I wanted to make something unique using the vegetables and herbs we have been growing.  After rummaging through the fridge, I decided on crab tacos!

First, I diced up an onion from the garden and sauted it a little oil.   While that was going, I diced up several tomatoes I had picked a few days earlier from the garden as well.

Sundays are for Meal Prepping – Part 1

Meal prepping is constantly popping up in my news feed. However, I enjoy sleeping in and relaxing on Sundays so I was always skeptical of spending my day shopping for groceries and preparing containers of food. Of course, then I would need to follow up with a picture of my containers stacked beautifully for Instagram.  Right.

But then I realized, its hard going to teach, tutoring, and running clubs after school, and then being motivated to make one of those really wonderful recipes I have been meaning to make from Pinterest.  So I caved, I decided to give the whole meal prepping thing a whirl.  And guess what?  I was completely amazed!  Spending a few hours on Sunday meant I had TONS of time throughout the week!  And best yet, I didn’t have to search for random food items to pack for lunch each day.

So my new intention (I have been challenged to make intentions, not resolutions..but more on that another day) is to meal prep every Sunday for this school year.  It

Step 1: Select your meals and create a grocery list.

Step 2: Convince your boyfriend, spouse, or significant other that they really, really love going to the grocery store. But seriously, this is key. (Don’t worry, if you are the type that likes to do things independently, I applaud you!  I just really don’t enjoy grocery shopping.)

Step 3: Clean the counters in your kitchen and be sure that you have areas to prep and cook the meals.

Step 4: Cut, chop, steam, bake, cook, stir, package up!

Step 5: Relax every evening knowing that you just have plastic containers in your sink to wash and not piles of dishes from cooking each evening!

Did you say dinner?

Welcome to “Did You Say Dinner?”

I am very excited to embark on a new adventure detailing the trials and tribulations of my culinary experiences.  Cooking has been a passion of mine for years. Starting at a young age, helping my mother and grandmother, and continuing until today where I explore canning, baking, creating, growing, dehydrating… You name it, and I will try it!

I also appreciate healthy, quick recipes that allow for delicious leftovers. I love new ideas and I love fresh food.  As I share my creations and innovations, I would feedback and input.

Did you say dinner??